Adults - Comprehensive ADHD assessment
Gain Clarity in Complexity: Tailored ADHD Assessments for You (for individuals 18 y.o. and above)
Service Description
Our ADHD assessment will help you to understand yourself better and unlock your potential. Our Comprehensive ADHD diagnostic service is designed to provide a thorough and empathetic understanding of your unique ADHD profile. Our approach includes a blend of online and in-person assessments, ensuring convenience and comfort. The process begins with an in-depth, 2.5 to 3-hour online assessment with you and a separate one with your significant other(s), followed by a detailed hour-long follow-up session the following week. For those who prefer a more segmented approach, we offer the option of splitting the assessment into two separate two-hour online sessions. Each session is conducted with care and precision by our skilled and experienced chartered psychologists. Our goal is to offer you a clear understanding of your ADHD, which will give you clarity in your understanding of yourself.

Contact Details
Guildford, UK